Melz is a young fashion brand located in Düsseldorf, which goes a few stepps further when it comes to style and design than the average streetwear brand.


Where established streetwear companies usually taking basics off the rack and using extravagant designs to make them fresh and catchy, you will find a small but very nice ladies collection with Melz, where colours and material but especially the style is unique and everything else but mainstream.


The melz attitude is also street, but mostly girl power, having fun, always ready to freak out, still feeling sexy and comfortable as well. On top there goes a pinch of hip hop style, made for ladies, who doesn’t mince matters. especially women, with an emanzipated lifestyle.


And guess, Melz easily  jumps over the gap from individual but confortable streetwear to fashion like designobjects.


One can call Melz a micro-brand, cause they are in some selected stores and a few webshops as only point of sales on the one, and on the other hand because every piece of work goes through the designers hands personally.


Coming to prices, the brand is right down to earth, although the productions are always extraodinare and handproduced, at least there is no commercial thinking in the Melz concept, but a lot of passion with heart and soul.

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